Monday, December 28, 2009

More pictures through this year :)

I could not fit all the pictures I wanted to, to show some stuff through this past year here are a umm few more :)

Reflections of this year

Lots of pictures!

Well we are now about to end yet another year, I still find it so funny that when you are a child the year just creeps on by, but when you are an adult especially one with children it just seems to fly by! Well this year has been all about some valleys but coming up climbing to the top of the mountain, not there quite yet :) I really wish I could also recall alot of went on last year but I can remember a few moments.

Last year we lost my grandma but I am so thankful that I got to see her and see her awesome testimony unfold while I was there. I am still praying for my dad as he is still having a hard time with her being gone. My grandpa and sister n law got to spend Christmas with us last year and I loved every minute of it, I love having alot of family around, makes us remember special times and grow just alittle closer :) I will miss them alot this Christmas. Taylor took his first steps around January and has been chasing his brother and dancing up a storm! Ok that just brought me back, I can not believe my sweet boy has been walking for almost a year!! He absolutely loves to dance a sing. He tickles me pink when he starts to dance and then to start singing, he will laughing so hard I start to cry! He is learning to say so many new words. Loves to call for his "bubba" and has now started calling Josh daddy!! He walks around looking for "lilo"..."milo" the cat. He is really learning to speak so well and has learned so much since we moved to MS. He is learning by watching big brother how to pray and will say AMEN! at the end of our pray. I really could go on but I am afraid you might have stopped reading by now

Caleb, my little man. He has made me just so proud this year. He has really started taking an interest in knowing more about God and Jesus and that makes my heart melt. He loves to say grace at the table every night. He has now takin a liking to setting the table too, please no one tell him that it is a chore, later on he will consider that a chore :) He is so kind and so compassionate, makes me cry the things he does for people just because! He is very strong willed but we are learning this year and in the years to come, how he can use that in a positive way and for the Kingdom of God! I love when he came up to me and said "mommy, come" me "come where Caleb"..."no mommy COME" ..."what??" "mommy...come now is the time to worship" that made my heart melt! And now he is getting into the joke telling

Joshua, oh my strong, loving, CHRIST loving and searching husband. I think he has learned alot this past year. He has been put through some "light showers" :) and became somewhat frustrated at times, but in the end found just what he was searching for and has made me so proud to be his wife. He is so forgiving and has put his own pride aside to do the will of God! He is working at a mill and while this is much different from his old job, he couldn't be happier and I feel so blessed to be married to such a man to do such hard work in the cold for his family! God shown us many things this year and though it probably actually took us a couple of years to figure it out I think we are on the right track. Josh always makes me smile with the things he says. Just for example a lady at our church asked Josh how to spell Caleb's name. Josh's response...Caleb...Q, "the Q is silent so people usually forget to add it" :0 ) He is just so funny, annoying at sometimes, but mostly funny! I love him with more and more everyday!

You all have read about all the things I have been through with my depression and Josh losing his job then to having to move, but God has done all these things for His good and am grateful to be able to see all the wonderful things He has shown me. One of my greatest moments this year was seeing my sissy get married and being apart of something so wonderful. During a time where we were going through alot and I was feeling pretty down, I was able to be apart of something God made into a beautiful love story. She is now in Italy with her new hubby and getting to see alot of God's beautiful work, I miss her ALOT! but she is spending it with the love of her life! Moving to MS was a hard move leaving my family, my wonderful church family and friends, but God is supplying others not to replace but to add to :) We have started going to a new church home and it is an awesome church, feel so blessed to get to know the people and for our pastor who has helped us in so many ways! Also we moved in with Josh's parents which was a huge adjustment but we are all learning from each other and I know by the end of this experience we will have a greater understanding and love each other so much more....I hope :). I do miss my mom, dad and brother alot but I get to talk to them very often, and I have taken a couple of trips to see them and have more in my future!

While some people might write about their New Years Resolutions, I don't usually have any of those because I never follow through and I should be starting those now. There are however a few things that I may going to really work on to be better!

1) Seek God more- can't we all do this, seeing how we are never where he wants us to be. I want to dig deeper is his word. Discover what He wants from me. Sing more praises in His name! Show His love more to others, showing compassion! I am so thankful to be free from alot of the stuff that was holding me back this year, now I still have alot to set free but I know His grace will push me towards a much deeper level!

2) My marriage- Josh and I have an awesome marriage, but I know on my part I could be so much more to him. Give him more hugs, smooches and just being the wife he needs and deserves. Not being so prideful with him, he is usually the one to come and say I am sorry first even if it is my fault, that is so sad!!

3) A mother-I want to focus more on my children and really show them the love of Christ and for them to understand it! I want to spend less time with just me! I know it is important to have some me time, I really just don't want to be selfish and demand it, if it comes great if not I just love the time I have with my family! I can be so much more to them. They have already helped me with my journey with Christ, they show me things in a new light and I just want so much to be there for them! I am working hard so that I can come home and be with them soon, I miss that so much!

I really hope I did not lose any of you, God has done so many things even just here recently, you have read about our jobs and our house. I can't wait to see what other "showers" He has for us, well I might now be excited but I am to see how His glory will shine. I love looking back through my year or years to see where He has brought me from and even though I am not where I need to be, man I am not the person I used to be either and that is a huge blessing! I pray each of you has a had a great year and if you are in any storm that God will show Himself to you and you find the peace you need! May you also have a great New Year!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thoughts and Prayers this Christmas

Weeping may endure for the night; but joy cometh in the morning~~Psalm 30:5b This verse was coming to my mind as my thoughts and prayers are with my friend Emily and her family. Her daddy past away this morning, and has we celebrated the birth of our Savior today, God was celebrating the arrivial of one of His children! My prayer is that God just holds that family so tight and that they feel His arms wrapped ever so tight around them and even if it takes time that they find peace. Emily your family is in our family's prayers, I can't seem to find words to tell you but I know God knows them, I love you dearly! Amber

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

That's why you have us!

So yesterday when I got home from work Josh mom said she had a couple of stories to share with me and I thought they were so sweet and funny I really wanted to share, plus I posted a blog about Taylor so I do not want to show favoritism, they better appreciate this later :0)
Nana said that the kids had asked for a tootsie roll and she said they could have one, well when she went to go get it she past by it because she had kinda forgotten, well Caleb and Taylor said "Nana!" she said "What"..."you said we could have a tootsie roll"..."oh yeah I forgot, Nana's thinker is not working today" Caleb then said "Nana that is why you have us!!" that was so funny and yet so sweet!!
In the same day Nana was asking Caleb how old he would have to be to sleep on his own, ok right here I have to say that we are awful Caleb still sleeps with us and we usually stay in his bed until he falls asleep, there I said it now let all the awful comments I deserve to come in :0) Anywho Caleb slowly held up his 4 fingers so Nana then asked "Caleb how old are you" ok I am already chuckling!! Then Caleb slowly held up his little hand of 5 fingers!!! He is such a hoot!!
My little superheros!
Well I hope you have a your dose of my chitlens, oh and here is an update on Caleb. He will be having surgery on the lump that is under his chin on Jan.4. I really stand in awe of him of how brave he is, he is like my own superhero :) He kinda thinks of this has his own little adventure, the last time we talked about it he told all about what the doctor was going to do and was not scared, unlike his mommy! I really don't know where he gets all this courage from cause I know it is not me, I think it is from his daddy or maybe his Heavenly Daddy :) Please if you would keep Caleb...and our family(me!) lifted in your prayers.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.~Joshua 1:9

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth! :)

I just wanted to take a brief moment to share a few of Taylor's milestones, he is so smart,funny, a handful but I have been so proud to see him grow up so much in the time we have been in Mississippi! Also if you did not notice the title is from Rush Hour, I hope no one thinks I was being rude :) *warning a bunch of cutest is about to be read :)* Here are a few things that he can now say!
* Daddy!!-as many of you know that for the longest time he called him mommy, just for the fun of it, that is his little funny personality coming out!
*"I tuck"-meaning I am stuck because I am some where I don't need to be, funny story one morning I heard him crying I run in to see what was wrong. I look all around and could not see him. I said "Taylor where are you?" then I heard "mommy I tuck" I go and look and there he was stuck between the bed and his crib!!
*"et me"- meaning get me! Which is what he says at the end of each dinner calling "Pop et me"! Wanting his Pop to chase him around the house. I just love those moments!
*Amen-this has to be my favorite because he is now understanding about prayer and that just warms my heart! Him and Caleb both get very upset if we do not say "grace"(that is what Caleb likes to say now) before each meal. Sometimes you will see Taylor bow his head say a couple of gibberish words then AMEN!! So sweet! Caleb usually does the honors at dinner but every once in awhile Taylor likes to say it. Taylor also does not like to go to bed without prayer, I think it might be a stalling technique but for now we will say it is so sweet :), but he will go "eh,eh" bow his little hands and start his little words he knows! I just love this, that both of my boys are understanding and loving to pray!
*"es ham"- Yes ma'am is that one, he is learning really great manners. He says "eeezzz" and "ank you" But when he is in trouble and I say "what do you say Taylor" he will go "es ham" :)
*Cheeetooss-my child loves cheetos, really he likes the big puffy ones but will walk over to the chip drawer and say "cheeto, cheeto!!" Love it!

*I don't wont it!- this is a fav of his, when he is being alittle ornery and does not want something! Or he also says "I wont it" says that when he really wants a toostie roll :)

*"rry"-when he thinks he has really done something wrong or mean he will say sorry in his own way and give lots of kisses!!!

*bocick-this would be pocket, which is where he believes he can find all his bibby's!

*he also calls for "lilo" which is Milo, he loves this cat and follows that poor cat everywhere.

*last night I caught him looking at Caleb's flash cards saying "B,,ck,ck,ck", he was saying the letter B and acting like he was sounding it out, I love that he is trying to learn and understands that concept

There are so many more but I will spare you I just wanted to put some of my fav's! He is forming sentences now and I am just so proud of him. He really loves like I say all the time about him to dance and sing! It is one of the things that just makes the world stop for a moment and I just grin because it is so sweet! Hope you enjoyed just a taste of my little Taylor toot!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Give this Christmas away with Christmas Memories

Last night we had our Adult Cantata and it was titled "Christmas Memories" and I was so touched by all of it. I just loved hearing about different peoples memories of their Christmas's or how this Christmas might be alittle different. Well this year is alittle different for us and I must admit that I was alittle bummed but my 4 year old and some awesome mentors from our church helped me to just open my eyes a bit. See many of you have heard my story about telling Caleb that this year for Christmas he might only get a gift or two it wouldn't be like other Christmas's or even his birthday's. Well to my attonishment he was really ok with it and that made me so proud, just that he wouldn't pitch a fit because he was only getting a few things but he is just so special in that way. Of course he followed up by asking for a pet snake and then a mole when I said no the snake, and then when asked where did he come up with that, he simply replied "Jesus told me" :P Then last night I heard some stories of some of the ladies who have lost their husbands either a few years ago or just recently and it brought my grandpa to mind this year he will be without my grandma, last year he was too but he came a spent Christmas with us, well I am just in love with this song "Give this Christmas away" by Matthew West with Amy Grant. It says if there is love in your heart don't let it stay. I couldn't think of a better way to express Christ birth than showing the love of Him to others. Whether it be by a phone call, a letter, a visit, baking cookies or showing Christ love to someone who is not on your Christmas list, it is easy to give to someone who you like but what could make your heart stronger than to love someone who hasn't show you that kind of love :) you can do so many things to show love to someone which is what God did for us, when Christ was born and to later suffer and die on the cross. I am hoping to give this Christmas to my grandpa by a letter to him and a phone call on Christmas to let him know how much I love him, I really wish I could be there or him here but God knows his needs and I know he will be surrounded by those who will also show love to him. So I ask you how will you give this Christmas away?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My little Taylor toot :)

Some love for our little newborn baby!
this is our first family pic I just adore this picture of them
checking on him!
It is so hard for me to believe that 2 years ago we brought home another little bundle of joy. You were so quiet, sweet and cuddly! Well you are still sweet and cuddly but boy have you grown to become such alittle Mr.Personality that you make me have to think that you are still so little, at least in my eyes! I can honestly say that in the beginning of me becoming a mommy I wanted so many children but rethought that after I had Caleb, I didn't know how I could share my love, but as soon as I held you in my arms and you looked up at me that all changed you put a love in my heart that is just undescrible. I have alot of memories of you in my belly.
One of the first was driving up to see Pop and Nana to deliver the news of their second grandchild, it was really neat because they just thought we were coming for a visit in their new home, We also took a youth camp trip and I think I do need to tell you that I am sorry because we were in a church van with umm about 15 BOYS!!! and no A/C, ok those two do not mix well for a prego women. But I think we did rather well and we got alot of exercise while we were there! I can remember prepping your big brother so much for you, and he loves you with every ounce of himself and he loved when you first came home! You love your "bubba" so much and just want to do and say just about everything he says, you too make me laugh just when I think I have had the worst of all days. Since we have been here the past 6 months you have gained quite the personality one of my favs right now is when you "toot" and you say"tat was daddy" ...."no Taylor that was you"...."bubba?, Pop?, Nana?", already blaming everyone else! Oh and there was the time you tried to eat a bee oh how you love to eat :)! I love that you absolutely love to sing and dance, it is the funniest thing and yet still so sweet! You bring alot of laughter into our lives and I am so thankful that God has allowed me to be your mommy, my little Taylor toot!!
Sorry for it being kinda dark but he is so funny, watch his foot, it has alittle hop in it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

So I betcha don’t know what time of year it is…J Well it is this time of year that everyone starts to put up decorations, sing Christmas songs, cook all sorts of yummy goodies and giving presents galore! And there seems to be a lot of snowmen, angels, nativity scenes, santa's and Jesus is the reason for the season. Now don’t get me wrong I love Santa and I don’t really have a problem letting my kids believe in him, there is a new Veggie Tales movie out that is really great and talks about St.Nickolas and the meaning behind Christmas. And I also do know that Jesus is the reason that I am celebrating this special time of year but to me Christmas is so much more than that in my heart, it is about compassion, grace, giving, mercy and love. I would love to share a story with you that really made a lot of these things real in my heart.

There was a girl who had just moved by herself into a little one bedroom apartment, and for the first time in her life she was spending Christmas by herself. She didn’t have a tree or decorations. See her and her family were not in the best of terms so she wasn’t spending Christmas with them this year. The women at her work knew the situation and about 2 weeks or so before Christmas, while she was just working away at the drive-thru at the credit union, they all called her name and asked if she could come to the front. As the girl was standing there, all her friends were standing there with a smile on their face. They presented her with a 3 foot Christmas tree and decorations for it. The girl just started crying in the middle of the credit union, just when she thought she might have a terrible Christmas, her friends showed her such love and made all the difference in the world to her. She rushed home that night and put all the decorations up and prayed thanking God for putting such wonderful people in her life. The girl in this story is me and that Christmas really changed my heart about what Christmas to me was about. God showed such love to us by sending His son, to this unruly earth. I could go on about the rest of His story but I think you all know it. Christmas to me is about Jesus but it also about your heart and where it is. There can be santa's, giving and goodies but make sure where your heart lies.