Friday, July 23, 2010

Just one of those great weeks!!

Man what a great week this has been at the Gregory household.  You know that old say “if the momma ain’t happy ain’t no one happy” well I am actually starting to think it should be “if the children are grouchy EVERYONE is grouchy”.  They really have a way of changing your moods.

The boys this week have been in the best moods and have been the sweetest, most respectful children this week and that has made everyone just a bit happier in the house.  I have heard a lot of “mommy I have missed you”, which just does my heart in! And so many yes ma’am and no ma’ams (and yes and no sirs).  They have listened right away, no arguing!  And they have said the funniest things like Caleb saying the sun was in a time out and that is why it was not out.  To when you ask Taylor why he needs something he replies with a “because I LOVE it!” And I have been in the best mood because almost everyday this week either both or one of the boys have woke up before I went to work so I got to see them and get the best hugs to start my day!!! I also got to eat lunch with them yesterday and that is so special to me!  So I know all you mama’s out there fully understand why it has been such a great week.

I kinda think that they have actually had a pretty good week due in part to a little girl who came to visit and who the boys got to play with a lot!  Her name is Mary Dogen, is that not the sweetest name, and Caleb just thinks the world of her.  And in true mommy fashion am already planning a pre-arranged marriage J 

On Wednesday they played all morning on the huge slip-n-slide and had a blast, then had a picnic outside.  I am told Taylor kept looking at the two of them like “really guys”.  They also said they looked like a bunch of teenage kids, so Mary’s Aunt Courtney walked over and asked what they were talking about and Caleb said “fatness!”  I believe I need to tell Caleb there are just some things we do not talk about with girls J 

Yesterday they got to go to the fire station, I think at first they were all alittle taken back by everything that was there but I am told that soon after warmed up and then got to pretend they were driving the fire truck, spray the water hose (which I must say I am a bit jealous of this one J), play on the fire truck and took a tour around the fire station.  Well being a firefighter for the day will build an appetite so we all went to Chicka-filay-a (that is how Caleb says it) for lunch.  That lunch made my day wait make that my week!  So thank you Nana for asking me to come!! 

Mary Dogen is leaving to go back to Jackson today but I know that we will get to see her soon and I really do hope that they do get to grow up together alittle even if they are alittle bit apart.  They are just so darn cute together.  But that was most of my week and it has just been one great week!  I hope you all have had a blessed week too!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

JOY Story! VBS week

Man what a great time we had a VBS this past week. Want to know what the theme to ours was…JOY STORY!! How awesome is that and our church staff came up with all of the material themselves, it was so awesome. We also did something different this year (I say we but really this was our first year) we had live music, my very talented hubby played the music on his guitar, he did an awesome job. A friend of mine at church named Shari and I were to come up with the moves for the songs and of course we gave ourselves plenty of time to come up with them, I think we started around the beginning of April well time got away from us, then she had to go out of town a couple of weeks for her work, so now it is the week before and I only have like one song down and it is the one that already has moves J ha. So Josh and I stayed up for most of the night Saturday and on Sunday night coming up with these moves for the songs, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised how they came out! Now since you see I had Josh helping me you know there were a couple of moves that we just WAAAY too funny, but I enjoyed them all. We were under great leadership with our friend Melissa who led the music to the kids; God has blessed her with an amazing voice! I had a great time sitting in with the music and teaching the kids the motions. It just did my heart in when I would see my boys singing and doing the moves. Taylor is still going around singing some of the songs, he sounds so sweet!!

I really wish you all could have been there for our kick off day the Sunday before we began. Every year our staff does some kind of skit to get the kids pumped up for VBS and this year was so funny. Our youth pastor drew and painted these HUGE cardboard cuts of the characters on the stage and they were just awesome, God blessed him with the talent to draw. Well our pastor dressed up as Woody and it was funny to see a like 6’3 man dressed like a little cowboy! Our children’s pastor who came up with our theme and wrote the materials dressed up as Buzz, man that was some funny stuff. He showed the church that he was so mad dance skillsJ. Then our youth minister was Zurg and he made his costume himself and did a great job. Their skit was so funny and cute, I guess since it is men that were in it I should say it was umm funny that’s it funny.

Monday came and went along with the rest of the days. It was a lot of fun to be in there with all the kids not just a few kids that you have in your class. I loved getting to see Caleb and Taylor singing, just warmed this little mama’s heart! On Thursday night which we call Gospel night 2 children came forward to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior!! Can I get an AMEN, I have always wanted to say that. Friday was water day. Water Day is a huge day for the ending of VBS. They set up a big water slide down the side of the hill. But I think the adult girls had the most fun, we planned a sneak attack against some of the uh umm older men, and we succeeded. We poured buckets of ice water all over them. JThen I got caught off guard and bam I was hit with lots of water guns and balloons, then some of the teen girls poured a bucket of water right on top of me and it was cold! Well my little poesy ran off without me and ran through the church to the Jenny’s house (youth pastors wife), see they live in the church parking lot too EmilyJ.

The other girls thought they got off with no worries but Jenny came back into the church to put away the buckets we took and got stuck in the church. She kinda got tricked into coming out and when she did BAM! Hit with a 5 gallon bucket of ice water. Melissa too thought she got off scratch free but that was sooo not the case. When everyone had left it was our family, hers and a couple others that were left well a couple of youth boys and my hubby got the bright idea to get her at her house when she returned so she pulled in, opened the door and BAM! She was hit by her own son and umm my hubby.J So now the only girl left was my friend Maria. We had a Sunday School lunch that afternoon and we told her hubby to bring an extra set of clothes for her. So we got the youth boys together and they were waiting inside the fellowship hall and when she went to open the door to go in BAM! She was hit too! It was so much fun and so funny!!

We had a blast this VBS, not just me but I think my kids had a great time too! I can’t wait till next year to see what they have instore. So what is your JOY Story?

These are the bigger than life drawing/stage props Scott did!! Just amazing!


Josh leading the music, isn't he handsome ;)



Caleb was trying to sneak attack me :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

In better hands

Let me just start this blog by saying we serve an faithful and mighty God!! I just want to give you all an update on Caleb. May of last year Caleb started having these random fevers(reaching as high as 104.something at times), then in July of last year they started coming once a month we noticed a lump about the size of a golf ball under his chin. Well at the present time we could not really go to a specialist because we did not have insurance. We heard about this program in MS that would help you with medical insurance if you qualified. Well we did indeed qualify and come to find out alittle later we actually had full on Medicaid and did not have to pay for a single thing that Caleb had to go through this year. Where some people might be ashamed to say they had Medicaid, I am just thanking the Lord that we did and I do know it was his plan for it to happen that way because Caleb went through some rough patches and we did not have to go deeper into debt because of it. I just find that so awesome! Ok sorry got a bit off track, so we took Caleb to a ENT and said that is was some kind of non-cancerous tumor and needed to be removed….(insert sobbing mother) So in January of 2010 Caleb had his first surgery and had his lump removed. So we thought this would take care of the fevers he had been having but he continued to have fevers so I took him to his doctor and she ran some blood work and one of his test came back abnormal, she thought he could have rheumatoid arthritis. My heart just broke and I just kept thinking what next, what could happen to him next(note to self not a good thing to ask) So in May I sat at work and was reminded of times where God just brought Caleb through many things and will do it again. I checked out for lunch and then received a phone call that Caleb had cut his face open and for those who read that blog, I was surprisingly not worried because of the things God reminded me of that morning. Well Caleb got a plastic surgeon to stitch his little face up and his face his healing up great! Oh and that would be surgery 2 we would have had to pay for but God had a plan!! Well at the beginning of June he got referred to a pediatric rheumatoid specialist. And I am so beside myself to tell you that his test came back normal and he had not had a fever since April. I just love the times shows himself directly because his stubborn children (me J) forget how great He is! Thank you all who prayed for my little man, we felt every one of them. When I think of this chapter of our lives I am reminded of a song I love by Natalie Grant, “I’m in better hands now” ~~ “There is hope when my faith runs out cause I'm in better hands now” I heard this song on the way home from work yesterday and just started crying funny how God will place something even like a song to make Himself known, I just love that! Well you also said something that seems to fit for the end of this blog…God will always get the last word!!

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this~~~Psalm 37:5