Man what a great week this has been at the Gregory household. You know that old say “if the momma ain’t happy ain’t no one happy” well I am actually starting to think it should be “if the children are grouchy EVERYONE is grouchy”. They really have a way of changing your moods.
The boys this week have been in the best moods and have been the sweetest, most respectful children this week and that has made everyone just a bit happier in the house. I have heard a lot of “mommy I have missed you”, which just does my heart in! And so many yes ma’am and no ma’ams (and yes and no sirs). They have listened right away, no arguing! And they have said the funniest things like Caleb saying the sun was in a time out and that is why it was not out. To when you ask Taylor why he needs something he replies with a “because I LOVE it!” And I have been in the best mood because almost everyday this week either both or one of the boys have woke up before I went to work so I got to see them and get the best hugs to start my day!!! I also got to eat lunch with them yesterday and that is so special to me! So I know all you mama’s out there fully understand why it has been such a great week.
I kinda think that they have actually had a pretty good week due in part to a little girl who came to visit and who the boys got to play with a lot! Her name is Mary Dogen, is that not the sweetest name, and Caleb just thinks the world of her. And in true mommy fashion am already planning a pre-arranged marriage J
On Wednesday they played all morning on the huge slip-n-slide and had a blast, then had a picnic outside. I am told Taylor kept looking at the two of them like “really guys”. They also said they looked like a bunch of teenage kids, so Mary’s Aunt Courtney walked over and asked what they were talking about and Caleb said “fatness!” I believe I need to tell Caleb there are just some things we do not talk about with girls J
Mary Dogen is leaving to go back to Jackson today but I know that we will get to see her soon and I really do hope that they do get to grow up together alittle even if they are alittle bit apart. They are just so darn cute together. But that was most of my week and it has just been one great week! I hope you all have had a blessed week too!
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