Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hey batter, batter, batter!

Well t-ball season has finally started and I am more excited than I thought I would be.  Monday night was Caleb's very first t-ball game and the whole family in MS went.  We actually all piled in the Expedition, I wish I had a picture of that cause we were packed from the front to the back and I loved it!  Caleb did so good actually all the kids did really well some had done this last year and it was neat to see how well they did catching and hitting without the tee.  Caleb hit the ball once with out the tee and once with it, I was so proud especially since we actually have not worked to much with him( yes I know we are awful parents  ).  He caught and threw a couple of them too.  It was so funny to see when the ball was hit all the kids would scramble to get it, at one point Caleb was getting upset cause he had not got one, it was funny seeing him pout.  But Caleb always surprises me with the sweet spirit that he has, in the middle of the game Caleb starts talking to one of his teammates, well apparently when Caleb threw the ball to the pitcher, the coach, the boy ran in front of the ball and almost got hit in the back of the head so Caleb went over there to say he was sorry! He then moved out of the way so another boy could catch a ground ball, he told Josh "I already got one daddy, I want him to have a turn".  I pray he keeps that sweet spirit!  Taylor did not get to see much of the game he was too busy EATING and saying I am still hungry mommy...and we ate dinner before the game.  That boy eats and eats and eats.  He is funny now because he now tells you that whatever he is getting is good for you.  Like he will be eating candy or something and say "Mommy candy is good for you".  I think he is getting that a bit mix up with the candy tasting good. :)
So I was excited cause I thought I was going to be the Team Mom and I don't know why but I really was excited but in t-ball drama news someone got it before I did and I have to tell you I was pretty bummed out but maybe next year.  Anywho I hope you enjoy some of the pictures, I wish I had the ones that I took during the game but I had not had a chance to upload those yet so I will post those next time. 
One of my favorite moments was the very end there was a boy who has autism and he got the chance to hit the ball, he hit it, then got to just run all the bases and seeing the joy on his face umm yeah I was crying!!  So sweet!  I pray you all have a joyful week!!
my joys before the game

I just think he looks like a natural

Taylor with the popcorn that his Pop got for him

And you always need a family photo!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 Random thoughts from this week

Ok so it is drawing near the end of the week and I thought it would be kinda of neat to give you my top 5 things that have been on my little brain. J

1)      The other day as I was driving home from work I was listening to K-Love and I heard a quote that really spoke to me and I loved it.  It is from Louie Giglio and he spoke about this at this years Passion conference (would love to go to one of those) and he said “Why do we say small prayers to such a Big God”.  At first I was like what all these things matter to him but then when I dug a little deeper I thought about how sometimes I just give Him the small things and try to take care of the bigger things myself, does anyone else do this?  Also I thought that something small to me might be big to you and vice versa.  I was talking to Josh about this last night and he gave a great analogy he said to us driving to the gas station is not a big deal but to a 15 year old who just got his permit it could be.  So this has been something I have been pondering about.

2)      I registered Caleb for kindergarten; yep that was a big step for me.  I did feel like a bad mom when I found out that day that you could bring your child with you to meet the teachers and yeah I did not do that.  But I got there handed her my papers and forms, she just check that I had all my stuff and said well that’s it….Wait, what that is it I told her there should be something big for me cause this was a momentous thing for me J  She just smiled and said it is for a lot of moms J

3)      Do any of you deal with insecurity, surely not?  Just kidding.  But this thing with insecurity has good and bad days.  Some days I can just be positive and not let it get me down but there are others days where I just see things and it just crumbles me.  I do know that God is walking/helping me through this every step of everyday and I am so thankful that I have that.  My friend Emily posted this verse awhile back and I just try and recite this when my insecurity wears it ugly head.

4)      Four the past 3 weeks a friend of mine and me have been going to this boot camp fitness thing to help jump start us to “trying” to be more active.  Whew I really wish you all could see us we are a sight to see.  I did not realize how out of shape I was until I was asked to jog!  Man ol’ mighty!  Well this past week we worked on our glutes and can I just tell you how bad my butt is hurting right now, I can barely sit my muscles hurt so bad.  Ok so this is nothing really big just thought I could give you all a laugh J

5)  Prayer! That has been the thing I have done and needed the most. I know we are suppose to always pray but for some reason this past couple weeks it has been the thing I have needed to do the most of. And the thing is that I actually don’t know what I am praying for I am just praying. We are praying for us a house of our own. We are praying for me to be able to stay home or be there as much as I can, cause has you might have read before that I feel God calling me to be at home again or just being able to just be there for my boys more…don’t know when or how but I do feel that call. We have had several opportunities fall through and some more possibly becoming available. We want to make sure we get into the house that God wants us in, not just the first one that becomes available. Both finding a house and me hopefully getting to spend more time home with the boys are going to have to be a God thing. But he has shown us that he can do amazing things with situations that can seem hopeless. We know he has a plan, I guess more than anything we need to pray for peace in that knowledge. It’s hard to wait on someone else, even when it’s God. I am waiting to hear that small maybe big voice from my Savior!

I pray you all are having a great and joyous week, I know we are!  Things are still uncertain but one thing for sure is that I have a wonderful Savior!!! 

Bonus:  One of my favorite songs right now is from Casting Crowns “Glorious Day”, it is helping prepare my heart for Easter!  Check it out  J

"Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else” ~Galatians 6:4

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What a weekend!!

Wow!  That is how I have to say this weekend was.  It was a busy one but a beautiful, joyous and just plain wonderful weekend with my family!  Saturday morning Josh had his 3rd annual Men’s Easter Egg Hunt, and it was a big success.  I think God has just blessed Josh with an amazing ability to draw people in and make them feel so comfortable.  Well while the men folk were playing so were the kids.  They were down playing in the pond, and well starting to look more and more like boys…covered in mud J.  I went down to check on them and what did my wandering eyes see but my youngest son stark neked!  All I could think was how I wanted to get a picture for you know that folder you keep with pictures for his wife to see J But I refrained and just took one from afar.   I did happen to ask Caleb where his brothers underwear went and he pointed to the back of the woods.  I kindly asked if you could please go get them and when he came back this is how he came back with them. J

We came in for a bath cause that afternoon the boys were going to get their haircut and I really did not need the boys smelling like pond water. Hehe. Taylor and I went down for a quick nap.  We then ventured off to Wal-Mart to get haircuts, a few odds and ends and then went to go get Caleb his first pair of cleats and a glove.  As we were going checking out at Wal-Mart I slowly remember why I usually come by myself, it was not because they were bad but because we spent so much money!!!  Mercy, then on top of that we went to Hibbett’s to get Caleb’s shoes and glove, so yeah.  But I would not take back the look on Caleb’s face as he was trying on his first pair of cleats he was so excited!  We came home that night ate upstairs and watched “Tangled”.  Just love that movie!!

Sunday was Caleb’s first t-ball practice and he was beyond thrilled, he kept asking if we were going to the “real” baseball fields.  Well as we were walking to the fields Caleb was walking next to me and I really don’t know why but I really treasured that walk.  He just had this huge smile on his face and he said to me “Mama I think I am going to meet some new friends and if they are shy I will just tell them my name.”  I just thought how proud I am that he is my son, makes you wonder how proud God was for His Son.  As I stood there I just prayed that God would help lead that heart to do great things. 

So then we watched and he did really well, and then I can not forget Taylor.  That boy just flashes his little smile and he whoo’s the girls, see these are the friends he met below and he had a blast!  Such a flirt

Well after practice we thought we would celebrate and go to Ya-Ya’s, it is a frozen yogurt place and oh so good.  The boys loved getting to pick their own flavor and own toppings.  We then headed to the Grove, they were having a concert there and it was The Goo Goo Dolls!  That was a really good time, the boys just thought it was really neat.  Then we headed home to get ready for bed, lets just say we did not hear much out of the boys that night J That was our weekend, how was yours?

this is The Grove

I will be filled with joy because of you.  I will sing praises to your name, O Most High ~~ Psalm 9:2