Thursday, April 7, 2011

5 Random thoughts from this week

Ok so it is drawing near the end of the week and I thought it would be kinda of neat to give you my top 5 things that have been on my little brain. J

1)      The other day as I was driving home from work I was listening to K-Love and I heard a quote that really spoke to me and I loved it.  It is from Louie Giglio and he spoke about this at this years Passion conference (would love to go to one of those) and he said “Why do we say small prayers to such a Big God”.  At first I was like what all these things matter to him but then when I dug a little deeper I thought about how sometimes I just give Him the small things and try to take care of the bigger things myself, does anyone else do this?  Also I thought that something small to me might be big to you and vice versa.  I was talking to Josh about this last night and he gave a great analogy he said to us driving to the gas station is not a big deal but to a 15 year old who just got his permit it could be.  So this has been something I have been pondering about.

2)      I registered Caleb for kindergarten; yep that was a big step for me.  I did feel like a bad mom when I found out that day that you could bring your child with you to meet the teachers and yeah I did not do that.  But I got there handed her my papers and forms, she just check that I had all my stuff and said well that’s it….Wait, what that is it I told her there should be something big for me cause this was a momentous thing for me J  She just smiled and said it is for a lot of moms J

3)      Do any of you deal with insecurity, surely not?  Just kidding.  But this thing with insecurity has good and bad days.  Some days I can just be positive and not let it get me down but there are others days where I just see things and it just crumbles me.  I do know that God is walking/helping me through this every step of everyday and I am so thankful that I have that.  My friend Emily posted this verse awhile back and I just try and recite this when my insecurity wears it ugly head.

4)      Four the past 3 weeks a friend of mine and me have been going to this boot camp fitness thing to help jump start us to “trying” to be more active.  Whew I really wish you all could see us we are a sight to see.  I did not realize how out of shape I was until I was asked to jog!  Man ol’ mighty!  Well this past week we worked on our glutes and can I just tell you how bad my butt is hurting right now, I can barely sit my muscles hurt so bad.  Ok so this is nothing really big just thought I could give you all a laugh J

5)  Prayer! That has been the thing I have done and needed the most. I know we are suppose to always pray but for some reason this past couple weeks it has been the thing I have needed to do the most of. And the thing is that I actually don’t know what I am praying for I am just praying. We are praying for us a house of our own. We are praying for me to be able to stay home or be there as much as I can, cause has you might have read before that I feel God calling me to be at home again or just being able to just be there for my boys more…don’t know when or how but I do feel that call. We have had several opportunities fall through and some more possibly becoming available. We want to make sure we get into the house that God wants us in, not just the first one that becomes available. Both finding a house and me hopefully getting to spend more time home with the boys are going to have to be a God thing. But he has shown us that he can do amazing things with situations that can seem hopeless. We know he has a plan, I guess more than anything we need to pray for peace in that knowledge. It’s hard to wait on someone else, even when it’s God. I am waiting to hear that small maybe big voice from my Savior!

I pray you all are having a great and joyous week, I know we are!  Things are still uncertain but one thing for sure is that I have a wonderful Savior!!! 

Bonus:  One of my favorite songs right now is from Casting Crowns “Glorious Day”, it is helping prepare my heart for Easter!  Check it out  J

"Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else” ~Galatians 6:4


Cindi Dailey said...

Hey! Love your post! I remember the first time I put Shane on a school bus (we lived in Mexico Beach and he was going to Millville). He looked so little and scared. :( I cried for hours. He came home and thought it was the best thing in the world! He was about 3-4 at the time. I can't believe Caleb is alreay for Kindergarten. Seems like yesterday yall were getting married.

Amber said...

Aww I am sorry, I think I would do the exact same thing and that sounds like how kids are, they are fine but we are not. That is what the lady told me at the school. =) And I feel the same way about Caleb, it is so hard to believe that we have a child going to school soon =( Thanks for the support =0) Miss you!!!

Emily :) said...

Love this Amber! I can soooo relate with the insecurity. Which is kind of ironic that I posted the verse you talked about! Ha! Guess it just shows how much I need it!

Kindergarten is a very big deal. Sarah was so excited it for it and I was soo pregnant with Kate so I think I didn't have time to be as upset about as I would have been. And this year I was putting both kids back in school and was totally emotional over it. Kate starts pre-k next year and it makes me SO sad b/c she is my baby. :( I know it will be a whole new phase in life.

Anyway, enough with all of that. I love ya girl!

Amber said...

Yeah when I was going through that about a week ago, I kept remembering that I had remembered seeing that verse somewhere and I thought oh yes I was encourage by that blog post and that verse and it really helped me out!!! So thank you =)

And thank you for understanding about our babies growing up and us moms being so emotional! Aww and I can not believe Kate will start Pre-K, I would have that too with Taylor but you have to pay so.... But anyway thank you for the encouragement!

Heather said...

I attended a Passion convention in the late 90s and it STILL sticks with me! I hope you get to go sometime!

I had a Kindergarten moment today as I realized that next month is my daughter's last month of her first year of school. Just another momentous moment!

I really needed to read your "He has a plan" message in this post! I'm having one of those days today where I need to remember that!

Amber said...

Hi Heather thank you so much for reading!! I would love to go to a Passion convention, and have for quite some time =) Who knows maybe one day!

Wow!! I never even thought about that moment of my son ending his first year, that will be another moment that will take me a second to recover from, hehe

I am praying that He gives you the comfort you needed yesterday, I have to tell myself just about everyday that He does have a plan for our lives we just have to let Him guide our way! Have a great day!!!