Ahh it is fall time, and though I do love the color changes during the fall time and cool weather is nice, I do dread winter. Well not winter all together cause it does have Jesus’s birthday and Taylor ’s birthday wait..wait I can’t forget my Aunts and Jeremy’s, anywho but it does have COLD days and I am a Florida girl tried and true J. Well now that I got completely off subject. Ahh it is fall time and this past week and weekend we had so much fun. Sorry this post is a little late :)
The fun began when we carved pumpkins and even though I strongly and I do mean strongly dislike the smells of raw pumpkins, it was a lot of fun picking out faces for our pumpkins. The boys love getting all the mushy, gushies out.
Joshua does any awesome job carving them and making them look nice.
I did take a stab at it but could not take the smell to long. If I was not such a prideful girl, I might post the picture with tissue stuffed up my nose to try to cover up the awful smell…but I am not! J
Here are the boys with their pumpkins (Caleb has been into this whole squinty eye thing)
On Wednesday we had our Harvest Festival and it was a great turn out. I just think Caleb is the most handsomest spy there is and Taylor well he is so stinkin cute in his dinosaur costume, which he kept taking off saying that he was hot…suck it up kid. No just kidding but I make him put it back on a couple of times during the festival because I am a mean mom J I also told him we would be dressing up as a dinosaur at the house A LOT! Here are a few pictures
On Friday at work we decided to dress up and well I will just let the picture speak for itself J We did have a lot of fun!
Well I was very excited for the weekend because our great friends from Florida were coming for the game that weekend. We got to have dinner with them Friday night and spent the day in the grove with them. It was a pretty good game. The undefeated also known as Caleb lost his winning streak, he had NEVER been to a losing football game and I think he has been to 9 or so. But it is ok because he still had fun, loved eating the cotton candy and is still my Caleb. I must say here though that I do believe that the Auburn band swayed him, they kept playing Darth Vader’s theme and every time they played Caleb would get so excited and start saying “Mommy, mommy they are playing Darth Vader’s song!!” This boy LOVES everything Star Wars, see his shirt below. He actually wanted to be Darth Vader Halloween but we kinda steered him towards a spy, because they are cooler. He kinda thinks else wise. We had a great week and weekend and hope you all had the same!
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. ~~Matthew 5:16
You are just the cutest nerd! :) Love all the pics. You always have the best ones of your whole gang together. You're my hero!
Do you know something? We still haven't painted or carved any of our pumpkins. I'm gonna walk out the door soon and it will just cave in!!!
Well thank you very much Emily. I am thinking I played the nerd role all to well =) And I think of you as my hero, you can accomplish so much in so little time! But I appreciate you saying that to me, it means alot!
Oh and that is so funny, we had just barely got ours done in time, we did it the week of so don't feel to bad. =) And I am pretty sure they might cave in, ours look like old people with no teeth now. hehe time to go to the compost pile!
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