Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall on my knees

Ok this is going to be a very short blog but I just want to share with you of the power of prayer and the power of an amazing God.  The past couple of days at work have been really rough.  I don’t want to dig to deep into it but let’s just say that I have had altercations with an employee.  Well I would come home fuming mad of just the lack of respect and was just not sure what to do.  On Monday I encouraged my friends on FB to encourage a friend or just someone in their life that comes to their heart.  When I went to bed that night I was praying and I said to God that I kinda knew who in mind He had for me, and to please give me the right words.  Well as I closed my eyes I just knew that something was going to come up the next day.  And wouldn’t you know it did, but sadly I do not think I was a true encourager that day.  The next day/yesterday brought forth more challenges for this employee and me.  This morning I was reading my devotional and it was just talking about how God has made us fearfully and wonderfully!  But there was a part in there how we fall to our knees in humble prayer.  The more I thought, the more I decided that maybe that is what I needed to do in this particular situation.  I needed to fall on my knees and pray for this girl and for my actions.  So that is what I did and let me just tell you GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!  When I got to work we started on our morning stuff and she came up to me and said that she was truly sorry and she would try to be more respectful.  I told her how much I truly appreciated what she just did and we both could work together to make things better.  I just stood there in amazement over how wonderful my God truly is!  I just wanted to share that with you all today, I am sorry if it does make a lot of sense but I pray that you can just see God’s glory shine!  May God bless you all today!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ~Philippians 4:6

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