Tuesday, February 16, 2010

you like me you really like me!

Words really can not express how grateful I am that Emily would think that I deserve this award. It tickles me pink :) She is actually one of the people who inspired me to start my own along with my wonderful hubby! Here is a link to her blog at Speaking the Truth in Love and Laughter she is a gifted writer, God has really blessed her with that gift and she uses it! I am so thankful for my Lord who is the true inspiration behind all my writings and has been the one to hold my hand through these past 7 months, and to my husband who truly encourages me to be a better wife, mother and a child of God! I also thank my wonderful pride and joys for they are the sunshine to the end of my days. Do I sound way to sappy yet, I could go on if you like :) The rules are that now I need to nominate other girlfriends who I feel deserve this same honor.Alright girls, if you haven’t won this award yet and should you choose to accept it, these are the instructions: - Put the Lemonade logo on your blog or within your post. - Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude. - Link the nominees within your post. - Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog. - Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award. Well I tend to be a rule breaker at times and I have also nominated a man...gasp... One that I have nominated is a great mentor to me, she has gone through some tough times but still shows the love of Jesus. I really do not know Emily or Chuck who I also nominated but I have stumbled upon their blogs and I enjoy reading them and think you will also. Patti at Ain't Love Grand

Emily at Live, Laugh, Love

Carol Wilson Updates this blog was started by his wife who wrote about her journey through cancer, she was now went to be with our Father but her husband still write some amazing post that are truly encouraging! And just because I do love to read when he gets a chance to blog I want to plug in my husbands blog, he also has a great talent for writing and you should check out his past blogs here. Thank you all who read my blog on a few occasions :)


Em said...

I am unbelievably flattered! I can't wait to dig into your blog now that we have connected. You have inspired me to jump back in and do a much better job blogging. I was really into it when we were journeying through in-vitro. Thanks for the compliment.

Amber said...

you are very welcome, I have very much enjoyed reading your adventures and sharing your faith, it is really encouraging. I can't wait to read more :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber,

Thanks for the compliment but I am not sure that I deserve it. My wife actually was the writer and I just filled in when she was unable due to the side effects from the cancer treatments. (She had 51 chemo infusions over 1 1/2 years) Since her "arrival" in July of 2008 I have continued to do a blog about once a week to keep her blogs about her journey with cancer active. I enjoyed reading your blog. Thanks for making the contact! Chuck

Amber said...


I admire your humbleness that is something I strive for! I think that you have done an awesome job keeping up with the blog and it really has encourage me to see how your faith has got you through. But I understand also :) Thank you for reading! Amber